Most of us who have grown up in a Christian home have heard of living a life of surrender. We know what the Bible says about submitting our lives to God.  We have seen, and even been, the people that have given time and money for the work of God’s Kingdom. We have seen people… Read More

Note: I want to begin this post by apologizing for the length of time it took to write it. I have worked on-and-off on this post for the past 9 months! There are many factors that caused this, ranging from simple procrastination to some difficult spiritual battles I have faced. I ask that you pray… Read More

“Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.”  (Proverbs 16:18) This is a verse that many people have heard their whole lives. It has been taught over and over. There are children’s stories written about it. It is even the basis for some church guidelines. Often people look down on someone who… Read More

Have you ever felt like a hypocrite? I have. It is a torturous feeling. Going to church on Sunday as if nothing were wrong, convinced that I was not worthy to call myself a “Christian”. Speaking as profoundly as I could about deep spiritual matters in Sunday School, knowing deep down inside that I had… Read More

Silence. The space between sounds. It is found everywhere. Silence enriches the experience of life. It adds depth to music. We use it to emphasize our speech, to build suspense, to agree, to disagree, to remember, or to meditate. Without silence, our lives would be a mass of sensory input – one constant tidal wave… Read More

Hey guys! This short post I wrote is almost two months old now, but I think it can still be quite relevant to our lives. This post has served as the inspiration for this blog. Hope you enjoy it. Please comment if you feel led. I am far from an expert theologian, and am always open… Read More